This training highlights the understanding of Factories and Machinery Act 1967 Act 139 with Regulations and Occupational Safety & Health Act and Regulations Act 514 and their implementation to the workplace. 这项培训...
This programme highlights the duty and responsibilities of an employer at workplace to allow establishment of a safety and health committee once their number of employees at any one time exceeds 40 people under Section 30 of the ...
This programme is meant to provide the relevant knowledge of legal requirements, the approach, technique and skill of carrying out an accident investigation in a workplace. 此课程提供达到法律上要求的相关知...
This programme is set to arm all personnel at workplace with basic first aid knowledge and impart them with minimum skill of first aiding in the event of emergency at workplace. 此课程的目标是要所有工作场所...
This programme aims for providing relevant and advanced training to person responsible for first aiding at a workplace. It gives an emergency solution to alleviate an injury occurred at workplace. 此课程主要提...
This programme is formulated to create awareness of the legislative requirements under the Act pertaining to NADOOPOD 2004 and Its Regulations. Under Section 32 of the Act, an employer is required to take action in the occu...
This is formulated to organize, prepare, plan, response and review occurrence of critical situations during emergency time at workplace. 此课程制定如何组织、准备、计划、应对和审查在工作场所发生紧...
This programme is drawn to give a whole picture on the safe operation of overhead crane and the various functions on the components of an overhead crane machine. 此课程专给厂内起重机如何操作一个完整的介...
This programme is drawn to give a whole picture on the safe operation of forklift and the various functions on the components of a forklift. 此课程将会完整介绍叉车的操作和叉车的各种功能与组件。
This programme is targeted to create awareness towards basic ergonomics with references made to and examples linked to manual handling. 此培训的目标是让参与人员对有关于人体工程学醒觉进一步拥有...
This programme casts a picture on the mechanical safety in relation to hand safety. In actual fact, hand safety always goes in tandem with mechanical safety while a workman is at a workplace. 此培训课程会说明...
This programme is one of fundamentals in occupational safety and health management i.e. OSH Management. It begins from identification of hazards, define and assess it before taking adequate measures to control it. <...
This programme defines what a confined space is, types of confined space at workplace and hazards encountered in confined space. 此培训课程给封闭空间一个定义,职场封闭空间的种类和进入封闭...
This programme talks about occupational safety and health in a total management system. It provides an overview how the system works. 此培训课程透过整个管理系统讲述职业安全与卫生。此课程提供了...
This programme aims to provide a picture how an internal safety and health audit is being carried out at a workplace by in-house occupational safety and health personnel. 此培训课程主要提供内部安全与卫生审...
This programme by virtue of fact aims for providing the necessary knowledge in occupational safety and health for the supervisors at workplace. 此培训课程主要提供职业安全与卫生的必要知识给工作场所...
This programme focuses use of personal protective equipments and the consequence of failure to put on it at workplace. 此培训课程集中在个人保护设备的使用和如果在工作场所使用错误造成的结...
This programme addresses the issue of Duties and Responsibilities as an employer or as a contractor or as a self-employed person or as an employee in sectors of agriculture and poultry farming. 此培训课程说明作为一...
The purpose of the Regulations is to provide a legal framework for the employer to control hazardous “Industrial Chemical’ with respect to their usage and to set workplace exposure standards so as to protect health of...
The purpose of this programme is to provide people a concept and knowledge as how to implement the 5S Practices to achieve a safer and healthier environment at workplace not compromising better quality and higher productivit...
Other custermized OSHE Training Programmes, Team Spirit Building Training Programmes, Learning English, Mandarin and Bahasa Malaysia can be arranged. 其他为顾客定制的职业安全,健康与环境的培训课程,...